Adrienne Thiessen - her calling and her heart
My calling?!
Let’s just say that getting “here” looked like God hitting redial until my line was no longer busy. I am so thankful for a God who pursues us, because apparently I know how to play hard to get. But no one is impossible to get for God.
Currently I attend a school in California called Bethel School of supernatural Ministry. For those of you who have no idea what that is, Bethel is a church and this school is a ministry school, teaching on theology, leadership and to sum it up, Jesus. Whenever I go into detail about school, some people say it sounds like Hogwarts, which to me is awesome, because I have always wanted to attend. However, this school is way cooler than Hogwarts because instead of casting spells, we’re casting out demons (THAT IS A JOKE FOLKS!) That being said, we never limit our school days to what God is going to do amongst us!
My calling is to influence and inspire others through the love of Jesus. I am called specifically to young women, who struggle with body image, self-image and ultimately identity. I know this because this is the area in which I have been oppressed the most. Although, I encountered some of my most painful moments growing up, struggling with everything from alcohol and drug abuse to suicide attempts, these moments are now victories. I watched God turn my life around, at the simple lifting of my hands to surrender what I thought was best to what he knows is best.
The best part about my life being turned around and walking into my calling was that it did not require a 60 day plan on how to be a better person, rehab, or hard work; it only required yielding myself to God.
I was brought out here to California by the pursuit of God. I actually had no idea this school existed until a month before I applied, but I had a divine encounter with an old friend of mine (who is now a dear friend) walked into my work one day. We ended up reconnecting and she explained to me that she was going back in the fall to attend this “Bethel school of supernatural ministry” and the entire time she spoke about the school, my heart was on fire, which I had never felt before in my life, and though it did not make logical sense to where I was at in my life, everything in me knew I had to go. There was no doubt about it.
When God extends a gesture, you know.
I applied, got accepted, God provided tuition and rent, and within a month I was living out amongst the palm trees and mountains.
I have been on this journey for 6 months now, and it has, for lack of a less cliche description, changed my life. I do not say this lightly. I have been transformed, made new, and am continuously falling into new revelations of God’s love, because just in case you didn’t know, they do not end.
It hasn’t all been cupcakes and butterflies. It’s been a lot of crying, face on the ground sobbing, letting myself go enough so God can take over. It’s been messy, it’s been dark at times, but it does not compare to the light.
I’d love to say I no longer have problems with insecurities, depression and self-criticism, but the truth is, that I still battle these things. The difference is I now have God Almighty fighting by my side. These things show their faces and I just have to trust that when God shows his, they fall away, because darkness cannot hang around in the midst of light.
ESPECIALLY not the light of the world.
I am currently investing my time into spoken word and poetry, where I feel God releases a lot of truth and power through my voice. I am passionate about young women receiving their voices back, knowing who they are, and living in the identity of being a daughter of God Almighty.
When you live in that, truly nothing is impossible. That doesn’t mean life is pain free. It means you know the outcome is victory. So when you face battles, you can laugh and smile, or scream and cry…whatever calls to be released.
My heart is that everyone would step into their identity of being a child of God. There is nothing in this world that beats the freedom that comes with walking in who you were called to be.