Keep Wrestling
Photo by Michelle Sypkes
“It’s like a wrestling match in my head, but at least I am fighting.”
I often get caught up in my own head. I used to describe it as a tornado in my head going around and around or like a wrestling match where I feel like I am just fighting myself. Then one day it occurred to me: “It’s like a wrestling match in my head, but at least I am fighting.” If I didn't fight it, all of my thoughts of doubt and insecurity would flatten me. They would debilitate me from everything God has created me to be and do. And that would be a truly sad day.
Here's the thing. When you are hearing lies, feeling tempted to fall back into old habits, or swimming in a black pit of despair, you have to be the one who fights for the truth. Other people cannot fight that battle for you. It is up to you and God to fight one of the most important battles - the one inside your own head. Other people can encourage and uplift you, but you choose what you do with that. Other people can also drag you down and try to pull you onto their level. You have a choice to either let those hurts name you or to take on the name that was given to you by the one who knows you deeply: Loved. Cherished. Wanted. Redeemed. Whole.
Isaiah 43:1
But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
When you take on these names, the lies that pull you down loosen their chains. When you put on these names, the things that tempt you lose their value in the face of who you were created to be. When you put on these names, the light starts to break up the darkness.
Resilience is when something is supposed to get in your way to stop you but it doesn’t. Resilience is not built overnight. It is built in the small daily choices. It is built on valuing your choices enough to know that each one matters. Resilience is not glamorous or fun. It requires endurance. Building resilience is often “boring” and means choosing the harder option for no other reason other than it is the right choice instead of the easiest. Resilience starts with every baby step forward that we take.
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
The most beautiful part is the hope that we have. We may have a war going on in our heads, but the strength we have is not just ours. Our strength comes from the One who is in the fight with us every step of the way. He is mighty to save. He delights in us when we run to Him with our broken pieces lifted up to Him so He can fix them. He looks at those broken pieces and says “finally” because He has been waiting for you let Him in. His grace creates beauty out of our mess.
2 Corinthians 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Here's the thing about wrestling. It kind of feel like it sucks the life out of you. It sucks a lot of the time. It is hard. But when we choose to wrestle with the help of Jesus, we learn to hear His voice. When we learn to hear His voice, we can start to hear the value that God has already placed in each of us. It is a value that doesn’t come from what we do, but from who we are created to be.
In the end, growth and healing are hard work. BUT KEEP WRESTLING. You will not always get it right. BUT KEEP WRESTLING. You will fail and fall back into bad habits. BUT KEEP WRESTLING. You might have to start over multiple times BUT KEEP WRESTLING. Because when we wrestle, fruit, strength and resilience are produced.
Psalm 112: 1, 7-8
Praise the Lord! Happy are those who fear the Lord. They are not afraid of evil tidings; their hearts are firm, secure in the Lord. Their hearts are steady, they will not be afraid.
Where is your next step into resilience and into who you were created to be? Where do you need to dig your heels in and say “enough is enough”? Are you ready to start/keep wrestling?
Wrestling is key to stepping into who you were created to be and not wrestling means that you are allowing the enemy and his lies to keep you from that. What are you waiting for?
1 Peter 1:13
Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.